The things people need to know about merchants on market place.
When an item isn't delivered it is NOT the fault of the person that is selling it.
It is a simple glitch in marketplace itself.
AND a lot of times people just don't check their received items folder.
Sometimes you get the item delivered and you can't find it, sometimes re-logging helps.
It is a second life glitch.
Some people get rude start yelling "I want my money back", well sometimes we don't even get the money.
Then it stays on the linden lab server and they pay it back in 24 hours (that is what they claim) some times it takes 3 days.
Before yelling and getting all upset due to a market place issue, don't bite the heads off of merchants that try and make a dime.
Trust me some people are spending days working on an item and get nothing in return.
Compare the dollar to a linden...not much isn't it?
But yet we sit there working our butts off so that you can prance around in second life in our hard work.
I am tired of people with an attitude, put yourself in my shoes and see how that feels when you get people yelling at you because they didn't get their stuff.
When I show people that an item isn't paid for some even tell me to pay it back even though I never saw any of it.
Some also fake a transaction thinking we are that stupid.
Then there is the every day people that try to befriend you so they can get to tele port you randomly and just spam you with their stuff.
And then there is the people that join your group take all the free stuff and leave.
And here I am making all my items affordable for these people, for the people with less money.
Hoping that somewhere is someone that understands that we aren't all made out of money, and that some people actually care enough to make things to help an other out.
These people sometimes even send me an IM complaining that there isn't enough stuff with the gowns I am making....or if they can get the same dress for a friend for free...or wait this one is even better, claiming they bought the dresses, sending their alt all the info and trying to make me send everything for free to an alt.
SHAME on you !
I spend hours creating my items, hoping I will make one person a day happy.
I am getting 19 lindens a dress, and I pay linden labs a small amount, plus I have to pay my tier.... and yet I get people wanting their money back because they didn't get an item.
Why not just send me a message and ask nicely for me to send it to you??
Can't you read what is in my profile??
Doesn't it say what you need to do to get an item, don't you know how to read store policies?
Or is it just easier to be rude??
And leaving a bad review because an item wasn't delivered makes us look bad while it is a second life marketplace issue, which has nothing to do with the items we sell.
Reviews are for the items, not for non delivered items....*sigh*
To all these rude people that don't give a shit...it sucks to be you.

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    Please people read my store policies, it makes life so much easier!
    I always tell people...no I beg people to read my policies, about issues etc etc.
    But no one does, then I get the messages from people that are all upset, because they simply don't know how to read.
    Store Policies:
    Do NOT send me messages on Market place, please send me a message in second life itself.
    I can not keep track of the im's I get on market place.
    For a quick delivery just IM me in world please thank you.
    If you have problems with the product please IM me.
    I do NOT refund.
    I do NOT send  a no copy item again.
    Please check your received items folder before sending me an IM, try to re-log sometimes that helps.

    My Store Profile:


    Sharodie's is my own little corner where I can create and make the things I love.
    A lot of people have joined my store for updates and free gifts, so please feel free to join too, the group invite is in my store near the door.
    If you have questions you are free to IM me, but please don't add me to your friends list without asking first, this is my work avatar, I don't do much socializing :)
    I make sure my items are perfect, but sometimes due to rl stress I might forget something or something went wrong, please let me know about these things so I can fix them, I can't use bad reviews :)
    If you like to leave a review please do, I learn from them, and people buy when they see a good review :))

    In rl I am a mom and a wife, so with my busy rl and with my health issues , sometimes I am afk...I never ignore anyone, please be patient :) I will get back to you asap :)

    Well this is a little about this and that, if you need to know more just say hi :)

    Made with love


    August 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013
    December 2012
    November 2012
    October 2012
    September 2012

