I love how this one looks.
The skirt is made with mesh, the fabric a nice peony pattern.
The skirt comes in 5 sizes and an alpha layer.
The cardigan is mesh as well and is off the shoulder on one side.
It looks really cute and the colors are pretty.
This outfit is one that will always be in style...it is timeless.




Halloween is around the corner....so here it is my Halloween or goth outfit.
The top is mesh, can be worn with the ruffles or without.
The skirt is pretty and flowy.
Perfect for the darker days :)

my new outfit.
It came out so pretty.
I am happy with it yaaaay

Here is a men hoodie with half sleeves.
The model is handsome Alexandor Constantine, also owner of the rockshoppe.

The hoodie comes in different sizes and an alpha layer, available in different colors and colors can be requested.

This is a mesh skirt with a cute pink cupcake top.
The mesh skirt is also in different sizes and with an alpha layer.
And guess what?!
All my items are cheaper then anyone else's stuff.
The reason why I do that is simple.
Life is expensive, and people aren't smiling enough.
So this is what I was thinking , I am going to make everything low in price, when people find my items they can afford them, and even buy more then just 1 item.
I never would expected people would send me ty notes and wedding invites.
But I guess I do make people smile and I do make a difference.

I love creating new items, it gives me a good feeling .
And when someone tells me wow I love it, then that just makes my day.
A lot of people send me messages, thanking me for what i do.
They tell me how much they love my creations but above all for the price I sell it for.
Some people have to look twice to the price I sell it for, and they get so happy when they can shop around and not get struck by empty wallet syndrome.
I do have a few items in my store that are a bit more money, but above all, I make pretty good sales and I can honestly say, I can pay my rent for my second life store every month without feeling sick ;)
So thank you customers, I hope to see you all again:)
Happy shopping :)

Okay I have to admit, I never use WTF but in this case...what the heck is going on with the outbox!!!!?
Because I have been having these issues for sooooo long I am going to pull the store from my main account to an alternative account.
You know how much work it was for me to even start this account.
But for some reason the store isn't connecting with my main account.
meaning that I have to make a new store.

I have been filing ticket after ticket but it seems that Linden Labs isa bit busy trying to solve other issues.
In the mean while, I am forking over all my stuff to my alt.
Baaaaah Linden labs get your problems fixed please!!!!


    Please people read my store policies, it makes life so much easier!
    I always tell people...no I beg people to read my policies, about issues etc etc.
    But no one does, then I get the messages from people that are all upset, because they simply don't know how to read.
    Store Policies:
    Do NOT send me messages on Market place, please send me a message in second life itself.
    I can not keep track of the im's I get on market place.
    For a quick delivery just IM me in world please thank you.
    If you have problems with the product please IM me.
    I do NOT refund.
    I do NOT send  a no copy item again.
    Please check your received items folder before sending me an IM, try to re-log sometimes that helps.

    My Store Profile:


    Sharodie's is my own little corner where I can create and make the things I love.
    A lot of people have joined my store for updates and free gifts, so please feel free to join too, the group invite is in my store near the door.
    If you have questions you are free to IM me, but please don't add me to your friends list without asking first, this is my work avatar, I don't do much socializing :)
    I make sure my items are perfect, but sometimes due to rl stress I might forget something or something went wrong, please let me know about these things so I can fix them, I can't use bad reviews :)
    If you like to leave a review please do, I learn from them, and people buy when they see a good review :))

    In rl I am a mom and a wife, so with my busy rl and with my health issues , sometimes I am afk...I never ignore anyone, please be patient :) I will get back to you asap :)

    Well this is a little about this and that, if you need to know more just say hi :)

    Made with love


    August 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013
    December 2012
    November 2012
    October 2012
    September 2012

